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Smart English 본문


Smart English

햇님과달님 2024. 4. 12. 16:00

☆ Smart American English Pronunciation ☆

A[ei] /a-,-a- [aː,ㅏ~],[æ,ㅐ~] /air-,-air-,-air,ar-,-ar-,-are-,-are,-a(y)er [εər] /a-,-a-,-a [a],[ə,ㅓ,ㅏ,ㅡ],[i],[e],[ei],[ɔː] /ar-,-ar-,-ar [aːr],[ər],[ɔː],[ɔːr],[εər] /-ae,-ay [iː] /-ae- [ei] /-ai- [e],[ei],[ə] /-ao- [ɔː] /-ari- [ərə],[erə] /-ary [əri],[eri] /aw-,-aw [ə],[ɔː] /au-,-au- [aː],[ə],[Λ],[ɔː],[ei],[æ] /ate,-ate [ət],[it],[eit],[et] /awe [ɔː]

B[biː] /b-,-b-,-b [b,ㅂ] /-(b)-,-(b) [ ]

C[siː] /c-,-ck-,-ck [k] /c-,-ce-,-ce [s] /-c-,-ce- [ʃ] /-c- [ʧ] /-(c)-,-(ch)- [ ] /-cc- [k],[ks] /ch-,-ch- [ʃ] /ch-,-ch-,-ch [ʧ,츄],[k] /-ch [dʒ] /-cch- [k] /-ci- [ʒ],[ʃ,슈],[ʃi],[s],[sai],[si],[zi] /-che [k],[ʃ],[ʧ] /cho- [kw]

D[diː] /d- [d,ㄷ] /-d+자음(b,k,t)-,-d [d,받침소리] /-d+모음-,-de+모음- [ㄹ+모음] /-d-,-dj-,-dg-,-dge [dʒ] /-ded [did,릳] /-dle,-ddle [dl,럴] /dr- [dr,듀r,쥬r] /-d you,-de you [dʒ]+[ju] /-du- [dʒu] /-n(d)-,-n(d) [n] /-l(d) [l] /-rd-,-rd [ərㄹ],[ərd]

E[iː] /e-,-e(o)- [e,ㅔ] /e-,-e- [i,ㅣㅔ],[i,ㅡ] /e-,-e [i,ㅣ] /ea-,-ea-,-ee-,-ee,-ei,-ey [iː] /ex- [eks],[igz],[iks] /(e)-,-(e)-,-(e) [ ] /-e- [a],[ə,ㅓ,ㅡ],[i],[iː] /-e [ei] /-ea-,-ea [aː],[ə],[əː,ㅓ~],[iə],[iːə],[e],[ei] /-ea- [εə] /-eau-,-eau [a],[ou],[juː] /ear-,-ear-,-ear [aːr],[əːr],[iər],[εər] /ec-,-ec- [ik],[ek],[eks] /(유성음/모음)+ed [d] /무성음+ed [t] /ei-,-ei- [iː],[ai],[ei] /-ei-,-eig- [ə] /-eir- [iər] -eir [ər],[εər] /-era-,-ere- [ərə] /-ere [εər],[iər] /-er- [ər],[iər] /-eo- [iːə] /-es [iz] /-ete [iːt] /eu-,-eu- [əː],[juː] /-ew-,-ew [uː],[juː]

F[ef] /f-,-f-,-ff-,-f [f,쁘] /-f [v]

G[dʒiː] /g-,-g-,gu- [g,ㄱ] /-gu- [gi],[gju],[gw] /g-,-g-,-gi-,-ge [dʒ] /-ge [ʒ,쥬] /-gg-,-g,-gue [g,받침소리] /-gg- [gdʒ],[dʒ] /gh-,-gh [g],[f] /-gh [x],[u] /-(g)-,-(gh)-,-(gh),-(gue) [ ] /-gh [k]

H[eiʧ] /h-,-h- [h,ㅎ] /(h)e [i],[iː] /(h)im [im] /(h)is [iz] /(h)er [ər],[əːr] /(h)as [əz] /(h)ave [əv] /(h)ere [iər] /(h)-,-(h)-,-(h) [ ] /r(h)- [r] /t(h)- [t] /w(h)- [w]

I[ai] /i-,-i- [i,lㅔ] /-i+무성음(p,k,t)- [i,ㅡ] /-i+유성음- [e] /-i- [ai],[ə,ㅓ,ㅡ],[əː],[j] /-(i)-,-(ig)- [ ] /-ie- [iː] /-io-,-iou- [ə],[jə] /-ir- [aiər],[ər],[əːr] /-i(c)t [ait] /-ia- [ə]

J[dʒei] /j- [dʒ,(ㄷ)쥬] /-jua- [(h)waː]

K[kei] /k-,-k-,-k [k,ㅋ] /-n(k) [ŋ] /(k)-,-(k)- [ ]

L[el] /l-,-l-,-l [l,ㄹ] /-l-,-l [əl,얼] /-(l)d [d] /-(l)t [t] /-(l)-,-(lo)- [ ]

M[em] /m-,-m-,-m [m,ㅁ] /mn- [n]

N[en] /n-,-n-,-n [n,ㄴ] /-n-,-n,-n(g),-n(gue) [ŋ,ㅇ] /-ng- [ŋg],[ng] /-nc-,-ng- [ŋk] /-m(n) [m]

O[ou] /o-,-o- [a,ㅏ],[ɔ,ㅗㅏ] /o-,-o- [au],[əː],[Λ],[ɔː,ㅗㅏ~],[ou,ㅗㅜ] /-o- [ə,ㅓ,ㅡ],[uː],[w] /-(e)o- [o] /-oa- [ə],[ɔː],[ou] /-oo- [Λ],[ɔː],[u],[ua],[uə],[uː] /-or- [aːr],[ər],[əːr],[ɔːr] /ow-,-ow-,-ow,owe [a],[au],[ɔ],[ou] /-(ow)-,-(o)- [ ] /-ou- [au],[ə],[əː],[Λ],[ɔː],[u],[uː],[juː] /-oe,-oe- [iː],[ou] /-oi- [wai] /-ol- [ou]

P[piː] /p-,-p-,py-,-p [p,ㅍ] /(p)-,-(p)-,-(p) [ ] /ph-,-ph- [f] /-ph- [v]

Q[kjuː] /qu-,-qu- [kw,쿠~] /-qu-,-que [k]

R[aːr] /r-,-r- [r,르] /-r-,-r [ər] /-rl-,-rl [ərㄹ,ərl] /-ro- [ərə] /-(r)u- [ju]

S[es] /s-,-s-,-s,sc-,-sc-,-se,-ss-,-ss,-sce [s,무성음+ㅅ,ㅅ+자음,ㅆ+모음] /-s-,-ss-,-s,-se [z,(유성음/모음)+z] /-[l/m/n/r/i]s [s, z] /-si- [zi],[ʒ,쥬] /sc-,-sc-,sk-,-sk- [ㅅㄲ] /-sk [슼] /sp-,-sp- [ㅅㅃ] /s-,sh-,sci-,-sci-,-se-,-sh,-si-,-ss- [ʃ] /-sci- [sə] /st-,-st- [ㅅㄸ] /-st [슽] /-(s)le [əl] /-sts,-st's [슽z] /su- [suː],[sjuː] /-su- [ʃu],[ʒu],[ʃ],[ʒ] /-(s) [ ] /-s(t)l(e)- [sl]

T[tiː] /-(t)en [en] /-f(t)- [f] /-n(t)-,-n(t),-n'(t) [n] /-r(t)- [r] /-rt-,-rt [ərㄹ],[ərt] /-s(t)- [s] /-(th)s,-(the)s [z] /t-,-t-,-t [t,ㅌ] /-t-,-tt- [ㄹ] /-(t)-,-(t),-(te) [ ] /-tch- [ʧ] /-ted [tid,릳] /-tu- [ʧə],[ʧu],[ʧuː],[tə] /th-,-th [θ,쓰,뜨] /th-,-th-,-the [ð,드],[t] /-thes [ðz] /-ths,-th's [θz] /-ti- [ʃ],[ʃi],[ʧ],[tə] /-t(a)n,-t(e)n-,-t(ai)n,-t(i)n,-t(o)n,-t(ta)n,-t(te)n-,-t(to)n- [tn,흔] /-tive [tiv,리v] /tr-,-tr- [tr,ʧr] /tl-,-t'll-,-ttl- [tl,럴] /-tz-,-tz,-ts,-t's [ts] /-n(t)ly [nli] /-p(t)- [p]

U[juː] /-a(u)- [ɔː] /-(u)a- [æ] /-(u)e- [ə] /-(u)i-,-(u)y [ai],[i] /-(u)r [r] /u-,-u- [ə,ㅓ,ㅡ],[Λ,ㅓㅏ],[w],[i],[j],[ju,lㅠ],[juː],[u] /-ua- [wa],[wei] /-ui-,-ue-,-ue [uː] /-(ue) [ ] /ur-,-ur- [jər],[er],[əːr],[ə] /-ura- [ərə]

V[viː] /v-,-ve [v,브]

W[dΛbljuː] /-s(w)- [s] /(w)h- [h] /(w)r- [r] /-w(h)- [w,ㅜ~] /won't[woun(t)] =will not

X[eks] /x- [z] /-x- [ks],[gʒ],[gz],[kʃ] /-x [ks] /-xi- [kʃ]

Y[wai] /y- [j,l~] /-y- [ai],[i],[ə] /-y [ai],[i]

Z[ziː] /z-,-z-,-ze [z,ㅈ] /-z-,-zz- [ts,ㅌㅉ] /-zu- [ʒ]


무성음 : [f, p, k, t, s, ʃ, ʧ, h, θ]

유성음 : [나머지 자음], [모음]


* 강조하는 말 : 일반동사, 고유명사, 일반명사(단수, 복수), 형용사, 부사(시간, 장소, 상태, 정도), 부정어, 의문대명사(Who, When, Where, What, Why, How, Which), 숫자

* 약화되는 말 : to[t] 부정사, 동명사(~ing), 정관사(the[ð]), 부정관사(a(자음 앞), an(모음[a,e,i,o,u,ə] 앞)), 조동사(will, would, can[컨,큰,캔(강조)], could, shall, should, have, had), be 동사(am, are, is, was, were), 대동사(do[르], does[러z,르z], did[딛,륻]), 전치사(for, at, in, on, by, with, about, from...), 대명사(인칭(I, You, He, She, We, It, They), 소유(mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs), 재귀(myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves), 비인칭(it), 관계(who, which, that, whose, what), 지시(it, this, that, these, those)), 접속사(등위접속사(and[n], or, but, so, yet, for...), 상관접속사(not ~ but ~, not only(merely, simply, just) ~ but also ~, both ~ and ~, either ~ or ~, neither ~ nor ~, from ~ to ~, ~ rather than ~, between ~ and ~), 종속접속사(that, when, where, how, why, if, whether, while, as, till, until, since, after, before, because, though, so that...)), 접속부사(however, nevertheless, moreover, besides, thus, therefore, as a result, in contrast, on the other hand, for example, indeed, in fact, then, afterward, meanwhile, furthermore, similarly, accordingly, finally, otherwise, consequently...), 관계부사(when(the time(day, year...), at(on, in) which), where(the place(house, city...), in(on, at) which), why(the reason, for which), how(the way, in which)), (조동사(‘ll, 'd, 've, 's), be동사('m, 're, 's)) 축약, (-d[ㄹ],-t[ㄹ])+모음 연음, 자음+모음 연음, 같은 발음 축약, (조동사(don't[도운], doesn't[더즌], didn't[디른], can't[캐앤], won't[워운, 오운]), be동사)+부정어 축약, 대명사('im, 'er, 'em) 축약, 습관적(house, home, there, here, tomorrow, tonight) 첫 자음 약화


☆ 영어학습 ☆

어원(Etymology[ètəmάlədʒi]), 음절(Syllable[síləbl]), 발음(Pronunciation), 억양(Accent), 단어(Word), 품사(Part of speech), 어휘(Vocabulary), 문법(Grammar), 어순(Word order), 인칭(Person), 격(Case), 태(Voice), 시제(Tense), 문장(Sentence)

듣기(Listening), 말하기(Speaking), Rhythm(Stress, Pitch), 읽기(Reading), 쓰기(Writing)

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