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Smart English 본문


Smart English

햇님과달님 2024. 10. 10. 13:00

☆ Smart American English Pronunciation ☆

A[ei] /a-,-a- [aː,ㅏ~],[æ,ㅐ~] /air-,-air-,-air,ar-,-ar-,-are-,-are,-a(y)er [εər] /a-,-a-,-a [a],[ə,ㅓ,ㅡ,ㅏ],[i],[e],[ei],[ɔː] /ar-,-ar-,-ar [aːr],[ər],[ɔː],[ɔːr],[εər] /-ae,-ay [iː] /-ae- [ei] /-ai- [e],[ei],[ə] /-ao- [ɔː] /-ari- [ərə],[erə] /-ary [əri],[eri] /aw-,-aw [ə],[ɔː] /au-,-au- [aː],[ə],[Λ],[ɔː],[ei],[æ] /ate,-ate [ət],[it],[eit],[et] /awe [ɔː]

B[biː] /b-,-b-,-b [b,ㅂ] /-(b)-,-(b) [ ]

C[siː] /c-,-ck-,-ck [k] /c-,-ce-,-ce [s] /-c-,-ce- [ʃ] /-c- [ʧ] /-(c)-,-(ch)- [ ] /-cc- [k],[ks] /ch-,-ch- [ʃ] /ch-,-ch-,-ch [ʧ,츄],[k] /-ch [dʒ] /-cch- [k] /-ci- [ʒ],[ʃ,슈],[ʃi],[s],[sai],[si],[zi] /-che [k],[ʃ],[ʧ] /cho- [kw]

D[diː] /d- [d,ㄷ] /-d+자음(b,k,t)-,-d [d,받침소리] /-d+모음-,-de+모음- [ㄹ+모음] /-d-,-dj-,-dg-,-dge [dʒ] /-ded [did,릳] /-dle,-ddle [dl,럴] /dr- [dr,듀r,쥬r] /-d you,-de you [dʒ]+[ju] /-du- [dʒu] /-n(d)-,-n(d) [n] /-l(d) [l] /-rd-,-rd [ərㄹ],[ərd]

E[iː] /e-,-e(o)- [e,ㅔ] /e-,-e- [i,ㅣㅔ],[i,ㅡ] /e-,-e [i,ㅣ] /ea-,-ea-,-ee-,-ee,-ei,-ey [iː] /ex- [iks],[eks],[igz],[egz] /(e)-,-(e)-,-(e),-(eue) [ ] /-e- [a],[ə,ㅓ,ㅡ],[i],[iː] /-e [ei] /-ea-,-ea [aː],[ə],[əː,ㅓ~],[iə],[iːə],[e],[ei] /-ea- [εə] /-eau-,-eau [a],[ou],[juː] /ear-,-ear-,-ear [aːr],[əːr],[iər],[εər] /ec-,-ec- [ik],[ek],[eks] /(유성음/모음)+ed [d] /무성음+ed [t] /ei-,-ei- [iː],[ai],[ei] /-ei-,-eig- [ə] /-eir- [iər] -eir [ər],[εər] /-era-,-ere- [ərə] /-ere [εər],[iər] /-er- [ər],[iər] /-eo- [iːə] /-es [iz] /-ete [iːt] /eu-,-eu- [əː],[juː] /-ew-,-ew [uː],[juː]

F[ef] /f-,-f-,-ff-,-f [f,쁘] /-f [v]

G[dʒiː] /g-,-g-,gu- [g,ㄱ] /-gu- [gi],[gju],[gw] /g-,-g-,-gi-,-ge [dʒ] /-ge [ʒ,쥬] /-gg-,-g,-gue [g,받침소리] /-gg- [gdʒ],[dʒ] /gh-,-gh [g],[f] /-gh [x],[u] /-(g)-,-(gh)-,-(gh),-(gue) [ ] /-gh [k]

H[eiʧ] /h-,-h- [h,ㅎ] /(h)e [i],[iː] /(h)im [im] /(h)is [iz] /(h)er [ər],[əːr] /(h)as [əz] /(h)ave [əv] /(h)ere [iər] /(h)-,-(h)-,-(h) [ ] /r(h)- [r] /t(h)- [t] /w(h)- [w]

I[ai] /i-,-i- [i,lㅔ] /-i+무성음(p,k,t)- [i,ㅡ] /-i+유성음- [e] /-i- [ai],[ə,ㅓ,ㅡ],[əː],[j] /-(i)-,-(ig)- [ ] /-ie- [iː] /-io-,-iou- [ə],[jə] /-ir- [aiər],[ər],[əːr] /-i(c)t [ait] /-ia- [ə]

J[dʒei] /j- [dʒ,(ㄷ)쥬] /-jua- [(h)waː]

K[kei] /k-,-k-,-k [k,ㅋ] /-n(k) [ŋ] /-ks,-kes [읔ㅆ] /(k)-,-(k)- [ ]

L[el] /l-,-l-,-l [l,ㄹ] /-l-,-l [əl,얼] /-(l)d [d] /-(l)t [t] /-(l)-,-(lo)- [ ] /-ly [li,을리]

M[em] /m-,-m-,-m [m,ㅁ] /mn- [n]

N[en] /n-,-n-,-n [n,ㄴ] /-n-,-n,-n(g),-n(gue) [ŋ,ㅇ] /-ng- [ŋg],[ng] /-nc-,-ng- [ŋk] /-m(n) [m]

O[ou] /o-,-o- [a,ㅏ],[ɔ,ㅗㅏ] /o-,-o- [au],[əː],[Λ],[ɔː,ㅗㅏ~],[ou,ㅗㅜ] /-o- [ə,ㅓ,ㅡ],[uː],[w] /-(e)o- [o] /-oa- [ə],[ɔː],[ou] /-oo- [Λ],[ɔː],[u],[ua],[uə],[uː] /-or- [aːr],[ər],[əːr],[ɔːr] /ow-,-ow-,-ow,owe [a],[au],[ɔ],[ou] /-(ow)-,-(o)- [ ] /-ou- [au],[ə],[əː],[Λ],[ɔː],[u],[uː],[juː] /-oe,-oe- [iː],[ou] /-oi- [wai] /-ol- [ou]

P[piː] /p-,-p-,py-,-p [p,ㅍ] /(p)-,-(p)-,-(p) [ ] /ph-,-ph- [f] /-ph- [v]

Q[kjuː] /qu-,-qu- [kw,쿠~] /-qu-,-que [k]

R[aːr] /r-,-r- [r,르] /-r-,-r [ər] /-rl-,-rl [ərㄹ,ərl] /-ro- [ərə] /-(r)u- [ju]

S[es] /s-,-s-,-s,sc-,-sc-,-se,-ss-,-ss,-sce [s,무성음+ㅅ,ㅅ+자음,ㅆ+모음] /-s-,-ss-,-s,-se [z,(유성음/모음)+z] /-[l/m/n/r/i]s [s, z] /-si- [zi],[ʒ,쥬] /sc-,-sc-,sch-,sk-,-sk- [ㅅㄲ] /-sk [슼] /sp-,-sp- [ㅅㅃ] /s-,sh-,sci-,-sci-,-se-,-sh,-si-,-ss- [ʃ] /-sci- [sə] /st-,-st- [ㅅㄸ] /-st [슽] /-(s)le [əl] /-sts,-st's [슽z] /su- [suː],[sjuː] /-su- [ʃu],[ʒu],[ʃ],[ʒ] /-(s) [ ] /-s(t)l(e)- [sl]

T[tiː] /-(t)en [en] /-f(t)- [f] /-n(t)-,-n(t),-n'(t) [n] /-r(t)- [r] /-rt-,-rt [ərㄹ],[ərt] /-s(t)- [s] /-(th)s,-(the)s [z] /t-,-t-,-t [t,ㅌ] /-t-,-tt- [ㄹ] /-(t)-,-(t),-(te) [ ] /-tch- [ʧ] /-ted [tid,릳] /-tu- [ʧə],[ʧu],[ʧuː],[tə] /th-,-th [θ,쓰,뜨] /th-,-th-,-the [ð,드],[t] /-thes [ðz] /-ths,-th's [θz,ㅈ,ㅉ] /-ti- [ʃ],[ʃi],[ʧ],[tə] /-t(a)n,-t(e)n-,-t(ai)n,-t(i)n,-t(o)n,-t(ta)n,-t(te)n-,-t(to)n- [tn,흔] /-tive [tiv,리v] /tr-,-tr- [tr,ʧr] /tl-,-t'll-,-ttl- [tl,럴] /-tz-,-tz,-ts,-t's [ts] /-n(t)ly [nli] /-p(t)- [p]

U[juː] /-a(u)- [ɔː] /-(u)a- [æ] /-(u)e- [ə] /-(u)i-,-(u)y [ai],[i] /-(u)r [r] /u-,-u- [ə,ㅓ,ㅡ],[Λ,ㅓㅏ],[w],[i],[j],[ju,lㅠ],[juː],[u] /-ua- [wa],[wei] /-ui-,-ue-,-ue [uː] /-(ue) [ ] /ur-,-ur- [jər],[er],[əːr],[ə] /-ura- [ərə]

V[viː] /v-,-ve [v,브]

W[dΛbljuː] /-s(w)- [s] /(w)h- [h] /(w)r- [r] /-w(h)- [w,ㅜ~] /won't[woun(t)] =will not

X[eks] /x- [z] /-x- [ks],[gʒ],[gz],[kʃ] /-x [ks] /-xi- [kʃ]

Y[wai] /y- [j,l~] /-y- [ai],[i],[ə] /-y [ai],[i]

Z[ziː] /z-,-z-,-ze [z,ㅈ] /-z-,-zz- [ts,ㅉ] /-zu- [ʒ]


무성음 : [f, p, k, t, s, ʃ, ʧ, h, θ]

유성음 : [나머지 자음], [모음]


* 단어의 강세 : 2음절(1음절, 2음절 강세), 3음절/4음절(1음절, 2음절, 3음절 강세)

* 강세의 위치에 따른 의미 변화 : 명사는 1음절, 형용사/동사는 2음절, 복합명사는 앞명사에 강세

* 동사구의 강세 : 동사+전치사는 동사, 동사+부사는 부사, 동사+명사+전치사는 명사에 강세

* 내용어(Content words)의 강세 : 일반동사(drive, work, sit, call, read, write, sleep, cook), 명사(car, children, information, breakfast, computer, coffee), 형용사(new, good, red, comfortable, bright, interesting), 부사(really, very, always, usually, up, much, often, finally), 의문사(who, what, which, whose, when, where, why, how), 지시대명사(this, that, these, those), 소유대명사(mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs), 부정어(not, no, never, none, hardly), 수량형용사(few, some, any, two, hundred, each, first, several)에 강세

* 기능어(Function words)의 강세 : be 동사(am, are, is, was, were 수동태, 진행형), 대명사(I, you, he, she, we, they, him, her, us, them), 전치사(in, at, on, for, to, from, of), 조동사(do, have, will, can, may, must, shall, would, could), 관사(a, an, the), 관계사(which, who, that, when, where), 접속사(and, or, but, as, so, yet, that, if)는 약화, 화자의 의도에 따라 강조(but, yet), 의미상 중요한 경우, 의미가 강조되는 경우, 문장앞에 오는 경우 강세


* 강조하는 말 : 일반동사, 고유명사, 일반명사(단수, 복수), 형용사, 부사(시간, 장소, 상태, 정도), 부정어, 의문대명사(Who, When, Where, What, Why, How, Which), 숫자

* 약화되는 말 : to[t] 부정사, 동명사(~ing), 정관사(the[ð]), 부정관사(a(자음 앞), an(모음[a,e,i,o,u,ə] 앞)), 조동사(will, would, can[컨,큰,캔(강조)], could, shall, should, have, had), be 동사(am, are, is, was, were), 대동사(do[르], does[러z,르z], did[딛,륻]), 전치사(for, at, in, on, by, with, about, from...), 대명사(인칭(I, You, He, She, We, It, They), 소유(mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs), 재귀(myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves), 비인칭(it), 관계(who, which, that, whose, what), 지시(it, this, that, these, those)), 접속사(등위접속사(and[n], or, but, so, yet, for...), 상관접속사(not ~ but ~, not only(merely, simply, just) ~ but also ~, both ~ and ~, either ~ or ~, neither ~ nor ~, from ~ to ~, ~ rather than ~, between ~ and ~), 종속접속사(that, when, where, how, why, if, whether, while, as, till, until, since, after, before, because, though, so that...)), 접속부사(however, nevertheless, moreover, besides, thus, therefore, as a result, in contrast, on the other hand, for example, indeed, in fact, then, afterward, meanwhile, furthermore, similarly, accordingly, finally, otherwise, consequently...), 관계부사(when(the time(day, year...), at(on, in) which), where(the place(house, city...), in(on, at) which), why(the reason, for which), how(the way, in which)), (조동사(will→‘ll, would/had'd, have've, has's), be동사(am'm, are're, is's)) 축약(Abbreviation), (-d[ㄹ],-t[ㄹ])+모음 연음, 자음+모음 연음(Linking), 같은 발음 축약, (조동사(don'(t)[도운], doesn'(t)[더즌], didn'(t)[디른], can'(t)[캐앤], couldn'(t), won'(t)[워운, 오운], wouldn'(t), shouldn'(t), needn'(t), mustn'(t), mightn'(t), haven'(t), hasn'(t), hadn'(t)), be동사(isn'(t), aren'(t), wasn'(t), weren'(t)))+부정어 축약, 대명사(him'im, her'er, them'em) 축약, 습관적(house, home, there, here, tomorrow, tonight) 첫 자음 약화, 두 자음이(d/t, p/b, v/f) 연달아 오면서 앞 자음이 약화되거나 탈락되는 현상, -nd/-nk/-nt/-st로 끝나는 단어 뒤에 자음으로 시작하는 단어가 오면 끝소리 [d]/[k]/[t]가 생략 또는 약화됨, 인칭대명사(he, him, her)나 조동사(have, has)의 [h]음 탈락 현상, 내용상 중요한 정보를 담거나 강조되는 단어는 [h]가 탈락되지 않음, [d],[t]음이 [j]음을 만나면 [dʒ],[ʧ]로, [s],[z]가 [j]음을 만나면 [ʃ],[ʒ]로 동화현상(앞뒤 음의 영향으로 소리가 변하는 현상)이 나타남, do, so와 같이 [u],[ou]로 발음이 끝나는 단어 뒤에 모음으로 시작하는 단어가 뒤따라 오면 그 따라오는 모음에 '우' 음이 섞이는 현상이 생김, 구어체에서(want to → wanna, going to → gonna, got to → gotta) 바뀌어서 표현됨, 구어체에서( I've got to → I gotta) have/has가 자주 생략됨


☆ 영어학습 ☆

어원(Etymology[ètəmάlədʒi]), 음절(Syllable[síləbl]), 발음(Pronunciation), 억양(Accent), 단어(Word), 품사(Part of speech), 어휘(Vocabulary), 문법(Grammar), 어순(Word order), 인칭(Person), 격(Case), 태(Voice), 시제(Tense), 문장(Sentence)

듣기(Listening), 말하기(Speaking), Rhythm(Stress, Pitch), 읽기(Reading), 쓰기(Writing)

'요즘' 카테고리의 다른 글

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